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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesdays Unwrapped - Mommy, let me see!

For weeks I've been enjoying the Tuesdays Unwrapped feature at Chatting at the sky, and this week I was finally on the ball enough to join in!

This is so typical of the shots I've been taking of Sweetpea lately - before I can even get the shot taken, she's getting up shouting, "Mommy, Let me see!". She is so aware of and excited about photos, she wants that immediate feedback of being able to see how each one turns out. Add to that the look of sheer enjoyment on her face and her little tongue peaking out and this is a definite favorite of mine, a reminder of the sweet moments we've been sharing!

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emily freeman said...

Oh good! I'm glad you decided to join in this week. Mine are the same way. Can you imagine if we still had film?!

Mel said...

awesome and i love that vibrant look...

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Too cute! I'm been having that problem lately too!

Crissie said...

Oh my heck, she's adorable!!! What in the world did we do for fun before the instant gratification of digital cameras??


Kellye said...

How sweet! I love it when their tongues stick out because of concentration or pure enjoyment!! Glad you joined in this week! Hope it's a trend!

Brooke said...

Such a cute picture!

I was cleaning out a junk drawer the other day, and came across one of those disposable cameras. I gave it to T, showed her where to push the button, and she immediately was ready to take pictures. What I found so funny is that after she took her first picture (I showed her how to look through the view finder), she pulled the camera away from her face to "look" at the back of the camera to see what picture she took. I had to explain to her that it was not that kind of camera :)

Dawn said...

what a cute picture! i was trying to get a shot of one of my little friends at his party last weekend and it was kind of the same thing... except he was so fast everything was a complete blur!