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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fresh flowers and fun

It's officially garage sale season here, and this past week was our first successful garage sale Friday...a group of us at work map out what sales we want to hit, pick up some takeout, and garage sale at lunch! I'll be talking more about it and my great finds from our first outing later this week.

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day and we spent a lot of time playing in the yard and transplanting some of our seed starts. Our raspberry plants are starting to leaf out, I'm so excited!! Growing up we always had black raspberries, and this year if they fruit like they should we will have black and red raspberries - nothing like fresh picked berries in anything and everything. Our strawberry plants arrived this week as well, but it has been too wet to get them in the ground yet.

Here are some more excerpts from my gratitude journal this week:

*hours spent doing and redoing a beginner puzzle, watching Sweetpea get better each time at figuring it all out*

*taking home a great big pile of books I reserved from the library...now to find time to read them!*

*the smell of fresh cut lilac and viburnum throughout the house*

*the smell of spring rain in the morning*

What are you grateful for this week?

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Marva said...

Can't wait to hear about your finds! What fun!!!

I am most thankful for after hours care........I'll explain on my blog.


HeatherPride said...

My poor little lilac bush keeps getting mowed over every year! It's never made it more than a foot high! So sad....I do love lilacs in the spring!!