So this is a giveaway and a bit of a Friday funny in one...why is it I so often make fun of myself in these Friday posts?
A few weeks ago one of my twitter friends Jen from ListPlanIt sent me her super handy Holiday ePlanner to review. You can check out my glowing review here. Imagine my surprise and embarrassment when I saw a link today advertising my ePlanner giveaway...I missed the part where I was going to get to give one of these nifty planners away {blushing}
So, if you're interested in winning a ListPlanIt Holiday ePlanner, leave me a comment with your favorite holiday tradition or best holiday planning tip. I will pick a winner at random on December 3rd.
For an extra entries:
- subscribe in a reader and let me know in a separate comment
- check out 100 days to Christmas and leave Jen a comment, then come back and let me know by commenting here
Good luck - can't wait to hear your tips and traditions!

My favorite thing is building the gingerbread house while watching A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve.
I am terrible at the organizing thing, but my favorite tradition is baking...
One of my very favorite holiday traditions is our gingerbread house decorating contest every Christmas eve :-)
This may be a good tip for next year--I always get the majority of my Christmas cards sent the Monday before Thanksgiving--sounds a bit crazy, I know, but it really takes a huge job off of me as we hit the Christmas crush...
We always put up our tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving (um, now...) It really helps us get in the mood and makes the celebrating last for so long. We love it!
As long as I can remember, our family has made homeade saurkraut to open up for New Years Day! YUM
I am a subscriber now! Glad I found you :-)
Octamom had an awesome idea there! Sweet!!!
One holiday tradition we have is getting an ornament every year, whether we make it, buy it, etc. Something that commemorates that year in an ornament. Our tree is filled with handmade, mismatched homey ornaments, and I love having different ones every year to look at and recall.
i love baking the cookies and putting up the tree!!
i left jen a comment and entered her giveaway!!
My favorite part is watching my kiddos in the morning of Christmas morning because thus far they've had a hard time understanding the whole concept. But, this year, they've already started asking to see Santa and his sleigh on the radar on my computer like last year.....
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