"You know, they knocked down the brick building that was attached to it already, what do they make in that blue building that is still standing?"
"Oh, that is company XYZ's thermal plant, I think they make HVAC units but I'm not positive. There is an engineering center there, too, for airbags."
"Airbags like the things that go off in cars, huh? How much do they pay?"
Not knowing what kind of job this guy was looking for, or why in the world he was asking me these questions, I tried giving him a vague answer
...luckily my to go order came up at that same time...
"I don't know how much they pay, but not as much as they used too, like a lot of places"
He thought that was funny and repeated me, "not as much as they used to - that's funny"
Hmmm...what I thought was funny, as I took my food and drove back to work, was that I have worked in a building for nine years and not realized it was blue! I guess I'm more of a big picture thinker, and not so much a details person, huh?

hahaha, that sounds like something i would do...wait, the building is blue?
so funny!
I've never been a details person (except for maybe my photograpy).
I have to actually HIRE the details people to tell me where the details are!!
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