Wow - can you believe it's August already? I feel like every time a new month starts, I wonder where all the time has gone. I suppose the cool weather we've been having makes it easier to believe that fall is just around the corner. I've heard several people say that this was the coolest July on record for the area. Not that I'm ready to concede summer so quickly, just that I can feel the hints of what's to come in our weather, rather than the usual full court press of heat and humidity we get this time of year.
We grilled out and had a picnic dinner last night and again today for lunch, though our backyard bonfire got rained out all week! I thought I was being clever planning to roast marshmallows over the remaining coals last night, but even that got rained out. I suppose the s'mores and fireflies will be waiting when the weather and our schedule is finally just right.
Here are a few more things on my gratitude list from this week:
*Thanks for holding my hand, daddy!*
*Playing tag in the pool with the whole family, Sweetpea not quite understanding that once she tagged someone, she wasn't "it" anymore!*
*Can I help, Mommy?* (oh yes dear, you can definitely help!)
*a delicious and healthy muffin recipe from a new friend, almost like carrot cake and perfect for baking with Sweetpea*
*finally, an onslaught of ever ripening tomatoes and blackberries to be picked each day*
*light summer fare for dinner, heavy on fruits, vegetables, and flavor*
*having one fantastic neighbor that I can always count on*
What are you grateful for this week?

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