I am very much looking forward to being off next week - washing some teeny tiny baby clothes, doing a bit more cooking, taking naps...and I can't believe in two short weeks (as long as things go as planned - HA) I will get to meet this sweet baby and introduce him or her to an adorable and enthusiastic big sister!

I LOVED my shelves! What I thought was funny was the stains that get dumped on the shelf... Good thing you won't be stuck in those clothes forever!
almost there!!!!
That is the best kind of shelf!! You're almost there.. :)
Awesome shelf!!! How exciting only a couple of weeks to go....
It won't be long...!
Oh I miss being pregnant. enjoy your time off next week. I'm jealous! Especially of the nap part. Which sorta reminds me that I should be in bed right now. Oops. Take a nap for me though, eh?
Too cute!!!
so soon!!!!! I got to meet a 10 hour old baby yesterday and it was wonderful. Here's to yours coming soon and healthy!
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