Our tomatoes are (finally!) starting to really come on, we have a nice selection of local produce at the new farmer's market that I pass on my way home from work, and at 38wks pregnant I have very little energy...what do these three things spell out for our evening meals? Fresh, quick, and delicious!
Normally I will assign a meal to each night of the week and do a lot of prep on the weekend to ensure weeknight success. This week I made one large batch of pasta salad full of fresh veggies (corn, peas, cherry tomatoes and bell pepper) and bought some romaine lettuce, several containers of cottage cheese, 2lbs of bacon and a loaf of bread at the store.
Hubs will be cooking the bacon as needed to satisfy our BLT fix. Most nights I will likely be picking up a vegetable to compliment what is available in our garden - green beans or corn are our most frequent choices. We will either choose from pasta salad, BLTs or a large salad for our "main" course, with tomatoes and cottage cheese and fresh veggies as our sides.
When we make fresh corn on the cob, we most often just boil it - the most time consuming part is getting the water to a boil to begin with. We place the corn in water and by the time it gets to a rolling boil, the corn is ready. Is this how you make corn?
Lately EmDee has been making garlic green beans - simple and quite tasty! I got my camera out while he was making the last batch, and though he rolled his eyes, I think he's secretly pleased to have his cooking prowess documented. ;)Start out with some butter and 2 cloves of garlic. Hubs likes butter - can you tell? If I were making it, there would likely be a much smaller quantity of butter added and some broth to compensate for the remaining liquid...just sayin' in case you're looking for a slightly healthier alternative. Let everything get well acquainted and then add your fresh green beans.
Stir occasionally until the beans are crisp tender, maybe 5 minutes or so.
Dig in! These are just as delicious, if not more so, the following day.
What's on your menu this week? For more menu planning inspiration, visit OrgJunkie.

Ooh! Those green beans look awesome! I bet they smell that way too.
For corn on the cob (otc), I usually boil the schnoz out of them and when I poke one of the kernels with a fork , if the liquid inside is not cloudy or milky anymore, then it's done.
Yum! You should link this up to my simple suppers meme over at the Krazy Kitchen! Hope you are feeling well and hope you've been able to get some of your cook and freeze meals taken care of before the baby arrives!
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