If you find yourself craving cereal and don't have any milk, why not try a parfait? We had low fat vanilla yogurt that I mixed into my Honey Bunches of Oats in place of milk. For an extra special treat I sprinkled blueberries and walnut pieces on top - how very gourmet! {{giggles}} This works best for smaller or flaky cereals, like granola, frosted flakes, or the like.
What variations on standard "cereal and milk" do you enjoy?

I take plain yogurt, add some Splenda, then granola cereal on top and mix it all up. YUM! I think I know what I'm having for lunch today!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Would you believe me that I was just reading an article last night about how they're finding that 2% and skim milk are actually leading to obesity because of the fat that isn't there and the issues with vitamins (the fat soluble ones) that aren't being absorbed properly from food, causing a whole host of other issues. Interesting concept, no?
But I love granola with yogurt on top (I'm making granola tomorrow since it's finally cool enough to turn on the oven). Other than that, I generally eat my cereal dry.
Sooooo how are things?! Or am I just behind in my post reading :)
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