I can't believe that as I type there are only two days left until we meet this sweet new baby and welcome him or her into our family! The past week has gone so quickly, with EmDee working second shift and Sweetpea and I holding on to these last days of summer, the last days of life as we've known it. ;)
Our garden is growing like gangbusters, with tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and berries ready to pick each day. As I have time and energy I've been freezing what we can't use or give away for the winter.
Speaking of energy, I don't seem to have any to spare...Sweetpea has been struggling to get back into her sleeping groove after all of our traveling. Last night she slept through the night in her crib again for the first time in weeks, what a blessing! I've been taking naps, but nap time is usually my secret weapon to get things done around the house. Needless to say, anything on my to do list is taking at least twice as long as I think it should. Rather than getting frustrated, I'm trying to relax and accept what I'm able to do without pushing too much.
Friday we were all home together and had a wonderful day - the weather was beautiful and we grilled out and had a picnic dinner in our yard. EmDee works this weekend during the days. When he arrived home yesterday, he took Sweetpea to the park to give me a rest, so much appreciated!
What are you grateful for this week?
I plan to post again tomorrow, and then I'll be unplugged until returning from the hospital later in the week. I have a few great guest posts lined up, hope you have a great week!

Steph, it's been so long since I've checked your blog. I barely remembered you were expecting! Congrats, and I'm sending you lots of happy thoughts for an easy and pain-free delivery!
Steph - congrats on all the excitement headed your way! I did get your email...sorry for the slow response. We actually have a bunch of excitement at our house right now, too, which I will hopefully be able to announce later this week. I will really, really, really try to get a guest post headed your way.
I am SO excited!!!!! But unplugged!?!! Ack! Will you Twitter while you're away so we know when the baby arrives??? Or call me??? :)
I am so excited for you!!! Can't wait for an update
Ummm two days? C'mon you've had a baby before... you can't plan that tightly :) Good luck though!
And that energy thing? Yikes, I remember that. Me? I'm grateful that Mister Man listened at the meet the teacher event today and behaved wonderfully (unlike the boys throwing Legos ALLLLL over the floor during the parent meeting). Ahhh.
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