I know some of you are going to cringe, but I'm a tried and true Pampers Swaddlers/Cruisers devotee. I started out with swaddlers in the hospital, and had a few packs from my baby shower. After that, I tried a few lower cost options, Luvs, Pampers Baby Dry, the Babies R Us store brand... At the time, none of these had the flexible tabs around the waist. I'm pretty sure now that my daughter needed those flexible tabs, because each of the diapers I tried leaked and some of them gave her a rash.
One diaper in particular, the Pampers Baby Dry, still makes me shudder when I think of our experience. We had an appointment for pictures at Target. Running a bit early, we stopped at Panera for a quick bite and to waste some time. I found a nice booth in the back where I could eat and nurse discretely. Just as Sweetpea was done nursing, I could tell she was dirtying her diaper. Then I could feel it - on my stomach!
I managed to get my clothes rearranged and headed straight for the bathroom. Luckily I hadn't dressed Sweetpea in the outfit I was planning for our photos, because she had managed to leak out the top of her diaper all over both of us. There is nothing quite like trying clean first your 3 month old and then yourself when you're both smeared with poo. Thankfully after much wiping and some help from a couple of sweet strangers, we were clean enough to go back out in public. The photos actually went quite well. When we got home, all of those diapers went into the donation bin - there was no way I was going to use them again! Swaddlers/Cruisers are the only diapers that we've never had leak, and after that experience, I'm a bit gun shy to try anything new...
What kind of diapers do you use? Have you tried several, or found one you liked and stuck with it? I'd love to hear your stories, and while you're at it, head over and join the fun at Momfessions.

I love a good poo story!
Haven't we all found ourselves at some point trying to deal with out-of-hand poo in public? It's like your initiation into the motherhood club!
Thanks for playing along!
Ok I remember those days!! I was a Huggies for boys and a Luvs for girls but then again this was literally 2 decades ago (ahhhhhh my oldest will be 20 in a few days)..
i will admit i would love to have diaper/poo stories one more time.
Another poo story! I have had that problem with tiny baby poop. It just slides around everywhere. Yuck!
We used Pampers Swaddlers/Cruisers until they were ready for the pull-up type diapers, and now we use only ones with Cars and Princesses on them! :-)
What a horrible story!
i used to also be a dedicated pappers swaddlers/cruisers buyer! i didn't like the baby dry either! we are using cloth now because my baby boy has some serious allergies so we had to switch. now i am addicted to cloth. thanks for sharing!!
We were all about Pampers...but now we are done with diapers! Woo hoo!
Oh how I love the poo-up-the-back phenomenon!! I think it's worse with newborns than with older babies. Their poo seems to be a tad more "loose"?
Anyway, we've run the gammut as well and landed in the Huggies camp.
lol...you poor thing. yes..I so remember those moments...always at the wrong time. But is there a "right" time to poo on your mom???? Swing by my site to read my story too!
Oh, do I EVER have my share of those stories. BLECK. The least lovely part of the newborn season, to be sure.
I used to LOVE Pampers when Dacey was in them. But then they changed to that dry weave thing and neither of my girls can tolerate that - it makes their skin break out horribly! We are loving Huggies snug and dry now.
Great diaper story!
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