Did someone say giveaway? I am so excited to be giving away a Medela swing pump and bottle gift set. The Swing pump is a single electric pump that is extremely portable and features the 2 phase expression technology. I can't tell you how much I loved the 2 phase feature on my Medela pump in style when I was pumping at work with Sweetpea.The swing can be used at a table, clipped to a belt, or with a shoulder strap. All parts that come into contact with your milk are BPA/DEHP free. Click here to learn more about the Swing pump.
Medela bottles are compatible with all Medela pumps. They come with a two piece lid that is perfect for refrigerator or freezer storage. Medela bottles are also BPA/DEHP free.
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment letting me know what feature is most important to you when choosing a breast pump.
For extra entries, you can do any or all of the following. Please leave a seperate comment for each extra entry!
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This contest will run through March 8. Good luck, I hope you win!

Gotta say the most important part of pumping for me would have to be a machine that ACTUALLY works, Medela has always been a phenomenal company and the pump I used in the hospital was AWESOME.
The best part of this particular pump, is that it is convenient
The most important thing is its power. I've had some with no power and it was just a big waste of time! And time is precious when you have a little one.
The most important thing is that it's electric. Hand pumps are awful. They take forever and are often impossible to position correctly and keep on. Electric pumps make it so much easier.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/ReizaM/status/1247393539
I like having variable speeds and suctions.
I like power so that I have enough milk. I also like BPA/DEHP free.
most important for me is ease of use!!
Natalie stole my answer... it has to be easy to set-up, use and clean.
Speed/power... I couldn't imagine using a manual pump. Medela electric pumps are worth their weight in gold for making expressing milk easy.
I'd say variable speed/power. Particularly because a pump should last you throughout your breastfeeding "life" - in the beginning when you can't handle much suction and then when you're working and need to pump faster.
Let's see, in addition to eveything the other ladies listed, I think that sound is important! I generally pump at night when my little one is sleeping and I just need to get some of that milk out! In order to keep her sleeping, I need a quiet pump!
The most important feature is to be as similar to my baby's feeding as possible so that my milk supply stays up. I hate thinking that when the pump doesn't extract enough milk, I may make less milk the next day...it seems like a slippery slope!
My first breast pump was a manual which did it;s job while I was home on maternity leave, but once I went back to work the most important feature for me was suction, and a lot of it. Although they claim Ameda is equal, I was only willing to use a Medela. I rented a hospital grade and it was pretty nice, but extremely bulky. I was able to pump for 13 months! Yay!
I think the variable speed to help with milk let down is most important.
The most important thing to me about a pump i s reliability! This usually has a lot to do with the brand and the quality they produce. I love Medela products and always exclusively recommend them to all my mom and mom-to-be friends.
To me, it's important that a pump doesn't take an engineering degree to assemble, clean, and dismantle! With foggy new mom brain (nursing fog as the Norwegians refer to it!) I can remember being in tears the first time I saw the number of pieces that came with the manual pump. Now that I'm expecting #2 keeping things simple is even more important!
The most important is the power.... to use as little time at work as possible... and also parts availability I can't tell you the number of times I've had to rush and buy a membrane or some other piece I've lost in transit.
-Paula Batton
For me, it's all about ease of use and durability, and my Medela Pump in Style is a champ!
Portability is an important feature for me. I have the luxury of pumping in my car since my classroom has no curtains/blinds and I'm not given another option at work.
I tweeted - http://twitter.com/sjross.
I have my sister's hand-me-down Pump In Style that I love, but this pump would be awesome. I pump in the car all the time.
After breast feeding my other children and not having to work, now I have to be able to get everything done as well as pump so my precious little one can have my breast milk. I have heard these have great power and they look really nice. Thanks for doing this and I wish everyone the best!
The most important feature for me is motor strength. I have a hefty supply and the powerful motors make things MUCH easier!
Easy to use and clean! I already have two boys and now with #3 on the way, I still want to breastfeed but need to be able to pump as easily as possible and clean it just as easily.
The most important aspect of a pump for me is that it has to be easy to clean and then reassemble.
Portability! I have the Medela Freestyle and LOVE it! It is small, lightweight and works great!
Pumping has to feel natural or my let down just doesn't happen. I have an old pump that just made pumping sometimes painful so I don't use my pump and basically where ever mommy goes/baby goes. I don't mind but I know my hubby would like to give our lil man a bottle.
When its time to get a new pump I'm going to be looking at suction and the hand free style. My old one you have to squeeze a button for the suction.
hnesler@prestontel dot com
dependability - my Medela pump has lasted 14 moths and counting!
I stumbled you
I think for me the most important thing about a pump would be comfort. It has to be comfortable to use.
I faved you on technorati
For me I would definitely say convenience, and the suction. I've tried some pumps that have such a weak suction I barely get a drop. I've had good success with a manual hand pump since I can control it, but I would love to find an automatic pump that has the suction power of baby!
How quickly they work! I have limited time to pump, either because of work (15 minute breaks) or because the baby has been known to wake up while I'm trying to pump. So I guess that is a speed/power issue.
The most important thing I look for in a pump is strong suction in little time, I started pumping late so need to build up my supply and fast being that I have 4 kids.
I love the speed and efficiency of Medela pumps, and that is by far what is most important to me!
I think the most important thing in a pump is quality, and you get what you pay for. I had a cheaper one, and it had no suction and was hard to put together and keep on. I love medela, it last quite well.
Most important feature in a breast pump for me is the noise level...it is just irritating to use one that is super loud and makes me really feel like a cow strapped to a machine...the one they let me use at the hospital was so quiet it was almost peaceful.
Cuddliness. The most important feature of a pump (presuming it *works*) is its degree of aesthetic appeal. It's a stand-in for our babies, so the less machine-like its appearance, the better. In this respect, Medela ROCKS -- its soft yellow and white design evokes colostrum... turning into milk....
For me the 2 most important things were support and reputation.
I love the fact that Medala has a whole support system to make sure I was going to succeed at breast feeding. I needed to know that I could go online and find the website that would help me when and if I needed it.
Their reputation is also unbelievable. When I dedcided I was going to buy a pump before the baby was born I researched all the brands and Medela was top rated every where.
I love my pump !!
Easy to setup and quick cleanup. Pumping at home and on the go (I'm a traveling teacher!) I have to have easy.
The most important feature for me, next to power, is adaptability. I never know where I will be when I need to pump. I love that with my Pump In Style, my pump can be powered by battery, electric outlet, or car battery. And it's held up with 3 kids.
the most important thing is speed and efficiency.
being that it is electric gives it a great advantage =]
I added your botton to my blog site.
The most important part of pump is for it to be comfortable and convenient. I have tried using the Ameda Purely yours breastpump and I would dread pumping! I was so uncomfortable, I would look at the clock counting down the minutes until my 20 min was up. I was then told about the Medela PIS and have been using it for about 4 months with no complaints! I no longer stare at the clock while pumping. Its comfortable to use, clean and put together again! I also love the fact that its more powerful and I can produce more milk in less time!
I look for how easy they are to use and how fast they work. I hate pumping so I want to spend as little time as possible doing so when I need to.
sras7508 at gmail dot com
I was just googling the medela swing to find a good price on it and came across this. I want one badly but hubby is saying I can make do with a cheaper manual one. :( Hence looking for a cheaper one. I would love to win this! The most important feature to me in a pump is the power. I'm too uncoordinated to manage with a manual, so having an electric one would be amazing. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Has to be easy to clean. Lord knows moms have enough to clean up- especially with a new baby! Worrying that your beast pump is not cleaned correctly at a 3am feeding just isn't cool!!!
I could definately use this pump. my PIS died and I desparately need another lol. best features are east of use, suction, how much time it takes to pump, and portability. i have 4 children that are my own, I also care for 2 others and I am also in the process of donating breatsmilk. My PIS died 2 weeks ago and the hand pump is not cutting it, lol. Please enter me and thankx for doing this.
I would love to win this for a friend who's pumping with a rented pump for her daughter!
She has two boys who are on-the-go (6 and 5), so I'm imagining the most important feature for her would be the portability!!!
The most important thing to me about this pump is summed up with one word, multi-tasking!! I can finally do something else besides just sitting there and pumping. As a Mom you have to multitask to keep your household going.
um the most important feature of a breast pump for me, electric! I dont care how many others can do manual I just cant!
This pump is great! So small and convenient! I love that it can run on batteries or AC power.
Sorry, should have logged into Blogger instead!
The most important things are speed and ease of use which go hand in hand. I work night shift on weekends as an ER nurse and I need to pump quickly. I'm borrowing a friends Pump In Style and it works great but I'd love to own my own. From start to finish (setting up to cleaning up) it takes me about 15 minutes to pump 5-6 oz from both breasts (I do one at a time). The Swing uses the same technology as the Pump In Style but is more compact and portable which would also be great.
I loved my Medela Pump in Style when I had my daughter 5 years ago. I love the portability. I don't mind carrying my PIS, but having something a little smaller and more portable would be wonderful.
Iluvmysweetpea RT @psmom don't miss this medela breast pump and bottle set giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/df6pyw
I value comfort above everything else. Thanks for the giveaway!
beatspammer at gmail dot com
beatspammer at gmail dot com
For me, the most important feature of an electric pump is realiability. I need a pump that can last for as long as I want to nourish my baby with the best possible food - mother's milk! As a working mother of two, I also value a pump that is convenient to use, portable and expresses milk fast!
I would love to win a pump. The most inportant part would be that the pump works well. I have heard great things about medela's pumps. My sister has one!
I would want something that is easy to use, works properly, does not hurt and is easy and quick.
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
It has to be easy to use and clean!
I tried a different kind of pump the last pregnancy and hated it. I then tried the hospital's Medela pump and LOVED it. i am highly, highly interested in pumping with Medela this time around (due in July)! This pump looks super easy to use...and I like that. Medela products have great track records.
mueller7 (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted!
mueller7 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm currently prego with my 4th baby...unexpectedly so it would be kool if I could win this. And I have to agree the most important thing is that it works effeciently.
I guess I'd say the most important part is that it's electric - I can't imagine doing manual, at least not more than one or two times. I LOVE Medela - it's the only thing I've really used and have found it to work wonderfully.
I'm still trucking away at breastfeeding my 7 month old, and having a pump that works would be amazing! I'd say the best feature is the hands-free capabilites. I NEVER HAVE ENOUGH HANDS TO DO ANYTHING!
(For the record, I like that it's BPA whatever free. I have a babyfood maker I got as a gift that I need to return because they can't assure me it's chemically safe!)
Portability is pretty important to me. I have to be able to EASILY pack it up and bring it along to work, while visiting family, etc. Thanks for the opportunity!
i like that it is BPA free! I want one that doesn't sound like a train coming through :)
I would say the most important thing about a breast pump would be efficiency. How to pump the most milk in the least amount of time. So I guess that would include options for multiple speeds or a let-down setting.
The most important feature is the comfort. I also like that its electric.
My husband and I are currently trying to have a baby so I don't have excellent advice or really even know what I am looking for. I know that Medela is a wonderful brand and I would say that comfort is something that I am going to appreciate. This is a great giveaway! Thanks!
Medela makes a great product. My fave feature is the adjustable suction. Having a stylish-looking pump is nice, too!
definately portability and function. I need it to be truly travelable but it has to actually WORK! I tried 3 with my first son and kept the medela. It was lent out to all my friends and I could really use a new one
power and speed
It has to be electric. Hand pumps are tiring and makes me cry.
The most important factors for me have to be size and one that actually does the job. I don't want to haul a big machine around with me I want something that I can handle easily and not feel like I am carrying two small children with me. The other factor is one that works, too many pumps don't express the milk fully and then you are stuck leaking or feeling over full all day which is miserable.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Size and speed are biggies for me - if I can't pump quickly and efficiently, I'm most likely not going to use the pump!
To me the most important thing is the strength of succion and the way that this pump imitates the natural breast feeding of the baby. With my first baby the moment I had to use the manual pump was really terrible, I was stressed as the quantity of milk extracted was not enough. I will have my second baby in 20 days and I would love to give her as much natural breast milk as I can (even the moment I have to get back to work).
The most important thing about pumping is to get a good quality pump that's reliable. I would LOVE to have a Medela, they have such great reviews...if only they weren't so expensive!
The most important thing about a pump is good quality. Second for me is portability because I pump at home in the morning and have to take it with me to pump at work too! This pump would make life MUCH easier!
I'm having trouble pumping,im not sure if my milk supply is low, or if Im not using the pump right. Ive pumped 4 times today so far, and i've only got not even 2 ounces out of both together.
Breast pumps are really the best friends of a working mother, she could stay unworried at work and can still have sufficient breast milk for her kids.
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