So far this week we've had a lot of fun! No surprise, I'm loving my time off. We've done a lot of coloring and playing with stickers, gone swimming and played in the snow. I put together a shelving unit (one more to go) for our living room to store toys in a more orderly fashion. I was totally amazed when Sweetpea was excited to help put decide where everything went! When I get the second unit up I'll take some pictures.Getting ready for a coloring session!
Hmmm...what am I going to draw? Oh, you want to take my picture? But of course!
Finally down to business...
I was working on my next organizing post today, feeling like I really needed a nap, when Sweetpea woke up early from her nap. She definitely wasn't ready to get up yet, so we laid down on the couch and took a nap together - I definitely needed it, and the snuggle time was so precious! I promise to get back to working on the organizational series tomorrow!

Those snuggle sessions are so much MORE important though!;)
I wish I could fit two boys and mommy on the couch! LOL! They are getting so tall!
Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten your email. Praying blessings over you and yours!
Have fun tomorrow! Can't wait to see the pics!
Looks like she is getting ready to trace her hand in her one picture -T loves to do that right now, and always wants to trace my hand too! And I so wish T would sit still for a second long enough for me to cuddle and nap with her on the couch!
Naps!?! What is this you speak of?! lol
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