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Saturday, July 19, 2008

In the Garden

Do you have a garden? If so, how is it doing so far this year? We had an unusually cool and wet June here in Ohio, which has set our plants back somewhat from where they should be this time of year. We are about to get our first ripe tomato:

And our first couple grape tomatoes:

These should be growing like weeds. I'm hoping the tide is about to turn our way. I love to eat these, let me count the ways: sliced with cottage cheese, on pizza, roasted in pasta, fresh in pasta, in a salad. I'm sure I've forgotten something, that seems like a short list.

We are also growing bell peppers, hot peppers and onions. We scaled back a lot this year knowing we were going to be busy and out of town a few times. I would love to hear some of your favorite ways to eat fresh vegetables, especially tomatoes, peppers and onions since we will have quite a few in the next two months!

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ADMIN said...

Thanks for stopping by m blog and leaving your comment on m bedroom project!My tomatoes look a lot like yours. I'm hoping to have some ripe enough to eat in a week or so. My eggplant and peppers are not even close to picking size yet. I love to make stir frys and salads, and try new vegetarian recipes.

Anonymous said...

We have some blueberry and raspberry bushes along the one sunny section of the fence around our yard that yields some of the sweetest berries ever. Home grown tastes so good.

But that's the only thing I have successfully grown. I tried growing some vegetables on our deck last year and it only yielded a handful of tomatoes. So not worth it. Our yard just doesn't get enough sun.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Mimi, stir frys are a great idea, I love them too! What kind of eggplant did you grow this year? We usually grow the japanese eggplant, but didn't start seeds this year and couldn't find starters.

Twithhoney, home grown does taste the best! I think our tomatoes taste like sunshine...or what I imagine it would taste like ;) I bet your blueberries and rasperries are delicious, I wish we had some.