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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tweightloss Update

I lost 2lbs last week! I’ve been working on making small changes and concentrating on one or two things each week as I plod slowly but surely toward my weight loss goal.

Last week I started a food journal, something that has worked well for me in the past. This is definitely helping me curb my mindless eating (not a big problem for me, but definitely a contributor, especially at night) I will continue this for at least another month, looking for places that I can make healthier substitutions or eliminate empty calories.

This week I started using smaller plates. It’s funny how food presentation can make you think you’re eating more (or in my case the same when I’m actually reducing portion size somewhat). In addition, I’ve started eating my meals in a staggered fashion. I will start with a soup or salad at lunch, then progress after 10 minutes or so to my main course. I’m doing the same thing at dinner, and I’m also allowing myself a healthy dessert about 30 minutes following dinner to help keep me satisfied throughout the evening. I have one morning and one afternoon snack, so I’m eating small portions frequently throughout the day—this works well for me.

I am continuing my efforts to sneak exercise into my daily routine. I did a good job of this last week, and am trying to add incrementally to each mini session. As I mentioned some time ago, I am in a little competition with some of my coworkers—this helps keep me accountable and gets my competitive juices flowing. Another goal I’m going to continue working on this week is taking 10 minutes for cardio each day this week. I managed to work in cardio two days last week—not really what I had in mind, but we’ve been having some sleep challenges with Sweetpea. She’s teething, and has turned into (at least for the time being) a very light sleeper. My workout has been waking her up, so I haven’t been doing a good job of sticking with it. Starting today, I’m going to try jumping rope, a great cardio workout, and quieter than my kickboxing DVD.

Goal(s) of the week: Reportion meals by using smaller plates and feel full with less food by consuming meals in stages. Continue with strength and cardio goals from last week.

Are any of you working toward losing some baby weight? What strategies are working for you? I’d love to hear them!

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carrhop said...

Congrats, congrats! It is such a good feeling to know that it can come off! Good for you!~

Glad you liked the Wii buddies!


AudreyO said...

Way to go on the weight loss. I began losing weight in October. At about a pound a week I had lost 30 pounds by February. It was done through a combination of changing my eating habits and exercise.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Thanks, Octamom! Now that Sweetpea is almost a year and a half, it seemed like the right time to get serious about getting back in shape. I have been kidding myself about how many extra calories I need now that I'm only nursing 2-3x a day! 5 down, 10 to go! :)

Audreyo, Congratulations!! I think slow and steady is definitely the way to go in order to achieve permanent weightloss. It's definitely the best way to create a *habit* of healthy living.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! My advice is stick to the food journal. Not only did that help me lose 40 pounds two years ago, but it helped me keep it off just by changing my attitude about eating and portion sizes! After food journaling, I had a better idea of what a reasonable portion was, and I no longer overate like I use to! Good luck, and I look forward to reading more from you in the future! :)