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Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

I was so glad my husband sent me an article that mentioned this today, or I might have missed it. If you’re interested in more information, you can find it here:


I was blessed with an abundant milk supply and a loving support group that helped Sweetpea and I succeed at breastfeeding. We had a rough start at first, with each of us contributing to poor latching. We had wonderful support from the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital, and continued support through the hospital after we went home. Through use of a shield and some pumping, I was able to feed Sweetpea my milk exclusively throughout. At some point around six weeks old, she just “went for it” one day, and while I was getting ready to put the shield in place, she lunged and latched on beautifully! Praises, sweet darling daughter, we DID it! I was so thankful, so proud of her, so happy that we made such a good little team. Since then, we have continued to enjoy the bond, and I honestly think it feeds both of us…I can’t imagine not breastfeeding and am so glad it worked out for us.

When possible, I attend a breastfeeding support group at a local hospital. I support my friends and colleagues that are interested with information and contacts. My workplace has a wonderful place for us to pump during the day, which is such a great perk for working moms.

I had extra milk, and decided to donate. Have you heard of human milk banks? I had not, until I was talking with one of the fabulous women in our support group about pumping one day. She mentioned to me that she donated because she had more than her son needed, and she gave me contact information. There is a rigorous screening process, but it is so rewarding. The milk mainly goes to premature babies who receive it by prescription in the NICU. You can find out more information on the North American program, and how to donate here: http://www.hmbana.org/

What do you think about human milk banks? Have you had any experiences with them? Were you successful breastfeeding your children? Do you have any tips for us? I think this forum, this great group of mommy bloggers is a great support group, and I’m so glad to be able to participate! I look forward to hearing from you.

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

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Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I bf Princess until she was 1, and Buddy till he was 10 months. I was working full time with both of them (in the Army no less) so I had to pump at the office, and the kids did have BM & formula mixed towards the end (milk supply was less as they got older). I would nurse mornings and evenings, pump in the day-my body got used to the schedule. Then on weekends I'd bf full time, it would upswing my milk production a bit an then back onto the weekday schedule. At the very end they only nursed morning an evening and at food at school. So it can work while you are working.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Thanks, Jenn! I agree, it can work for us working moms too, and it especially helps if your employer is understanding. My pumping experience was similar to yours, with weekend supply upswings and some difficulty pumping enough toward the 1 year point. Sweetpea is still nursing at night and in the morning, eating solids and drinking whole milk during the day. I'll miss it when she decides she's done!

Take care,