In thinking about this week’s Organizing Tip Thursday post, I wanted to offer both an idea that I love and also a question. I’ve been trying to decide what to put on my “to do before baby” list, especially after reading this post and also this one from a couple of bloggers that are due within weeks of me. Knowing myself and my need for a visual list and some accountability, I need to get these thoughts out of my head and onto paper if I want to accomplish them.
For that reason, in addition to our summer fun list, I’ve created my “To Do before Baby” list as well. Here are the items on my list at the moment.
* Rearrange Sweetpea’s room (clean/purge/make room for baby)
* Light cleaning and decluttering
* Babyproof to foil Sweetpea’s newly acquired door opening skill
* Research and purchase reusable training pants for Sweetpea
* Keep up with garden and time and energy allow
* Investigate career change options
* Create plan for completing summer fun list
* Sort and wash infant clothes
* Determine what needs purchased for the new baby, buy and wash items
Now, my question for you: I’ve been struggling lately with too many trips to the grocery store. Granted, I’ve been slacking somewhat in meal planning due to my pregnancy cravings and the general craziness of our schedule lately. That said, I need a better system for tracking pantry items and general necessities that don’t make my meal plan list so I don’t find myself without yogurt, rice, or seasonings when I need them…I would love any suggestions or links to posts that you could provide! I hate the amount of time this takes out of our schedule - especially as I want these warm days of summer to be at a slower pace, filled with fun and quality time together, not quick trips to the grocery every few days!

When I started school the "ingredients/kitchen" was the first to go. What I do is have several meals ready to go in the freezer. I keep a piece of paper and pen handy in the kitchen always. I constantly add to the list. So basically the ready to go meals are in the freezer and those are the backup plan. I honestly don't have time for anything fancy these days and would bet the same will be true for you soon! ;)
Wow, and I thought I had a big to do list. Well, I do my Once A Month Cooking and keep a freezer list about what meals (and what veggies) are in my freezer and I try to stick this on my refrigerator door.
I have a Pantry list that I made up in Excel and I keep a blank list on my fridge and every time I am out of something I put a check by it.
I also HATE going to the grocery constantly so I do buy things in bulk at Sam's such as my 25 lbs. of flour and rice and my big jugs of oil and I usually buy A LOT of butter and blocks of cheese when they are on sale at Aldis. My goal is to do one BIG monthly shopping trip and just go to the store weekly for eggs, milk and fresh veggies. It is a goal.
And I used some training pants that I got from my friend who sells cloth diapers ( My son hated wearing them so much that I kind of used them as a "if you pee in your pants, you have to wear these things" tool. I did use pull ups but I am not going to do that again because it was too easy for him to wet in them and not care.
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