I saw this fabulous idea at MomAdvice last year, courtesty of Megan. It was such a hit at our house that we created a fall and Christmas list as well. Writing down the "don't want to miss" activities for each season and posting the list in a visible area (our fridge) really helps us keep our priorities in line. I am definitely one who benefits from accountability, and if I don't keep certain events and activities in front of me, time tends to get away. (Is it seriously June already?!? Yikes!)
What are your "don't want to miss" activities this summer? What tricks do you use to help make sure you schedule those activities before time gets away from you?

Dacey has been asking me about fireworks since LAST Fourth of July, so I think a fireworks display is our main "don't miss."
This is a fantastic idea - thanks for sharing!
I love this. I can't wait to do one for my girls! Although they will want to accomplish everything on the list in one day. . .
Once we are settled back in MI, I need to create one of these lists and put it on the fridge too!
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