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Monday, March 23, 2009

On mochas and menus

Before I get started talking about menus, did you realize that Mondays in March are Mocha Mondays at McDonald's? If you like mochas and your McDonalds has a McCafe, stop in today and next Monday for a free sample size hot or iced Mocha! No purchase necessary.

Last week we grilled out on Tuesday, so we munched for the most part on steaks, hamburgers and grilled chicken salads all week - mmm! :) This week chicken was on sale (both whole chickens for $0.69/lb and boneless skinless breasts for $1.88/lb) so we will be eating a lot of chicken. I also bought several packages for the freezer. I'll be talking a little bit more about lunches tomorrow, but for now here is what we're planning for dinners:

Monday: chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes
Tuesday: grilled chicken salads
Wednesday: creamy chicken soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
Thursday: meatball sandwiches and oven fries
Friday: leftover buffet

Amy at Momadvice said something the other day that struck a chord with me - she mentioned she was a champ at main dishes but felt she often overlooked side dishes. Reading this I realized I often do the same thing. I'm going to be taking this week to review my cookbooks and online recipe links for ideas, and next week I hope to have some side dishes at are as interesting as our main course!

For more menu planning inspiration, visit OrgJunkie.

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Amy said...

I can't wait to see what you come up with for side dishes. I always fall flat on these and need some inspiration. Let me know when you find some good recipes- I can't wait to try them!! Thank you so much for the mention too- that was such a lovely surprise this morning!

Marva said...

Hi Steph! Thanks for the info about Mc Donald's! Love my java!

Also, side dishes are easy.....you'll do fine! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


Mel said...

maybe you should start a dinner shipping business i would so be your first customer!!!

Tricia said...

Looking forward to your ideas and finds for side dishes!

CC said...

free sample sized mochas??? dude!

and side dish? what's that? a dish you put next to your plate??? ;)

Anonymous said...

coming up with the McCafe line was genius; McDonald's must have a top notch marketing/product development team