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Monday, March 2, 2009

Menu planning for a busy week

This is another one of those weeks where EmDee is working late and Sweetpea and I will be doing the solo thing. I did two big batch cooking sessions over the weekend to get most of the cooking out of the way. Thanks to everyone's suggestions last week, I think part of my problem was waiting and trying to cook right before dinner - if I wasn't already queasy, the smell of cooking would get me that way by the time I was done. Hopefully this advanced planning will also help!

I'm planning to make some overnight crockpot oatmeal by midweek...(read - didn't happen this weekend, sigh) I've been drooling over the sound of it for some time now, and finally have all the ingredients. Last week I was miserable at planning breakfast and snacks, this week I have several baggies of cut carrots and celery along with yogurt and fiber bars ready for those mid morning and mid afternoon munchies.

Here's what's on the menu for dinner this week -

Monday: spaghetti casserole and garlic bread
Tuesday: chicken with pasta and vegetables
Wednesday: three cheese tortellini with cheesy vegetables
Thursday: leftovers
Friday: family dinner out to celebrate Sweetpea's birthday

What's on your menu this week? To join in or find more menu planning inspiration, visit OrgJunkie

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Marva said...

I am a little behind, menu planning, but hope to catch up soon. We are having chili tonight. Blessings!

Great job and still praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Crock pot roast beef and sweet potatoes, chicken and rice, turkey wraps, and mexican bean soup!

Jen said...

I should go post my menu, huh? Feeling so lazy today...

Hope Sweetpea has a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting me! I just finished dinner, yet your menus are making me hungry ... not good :) The tortellini sounds espcially yummy. Happy birthday to your little sweetpea!