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Monday, March 16, 2009

A day late, but not short of things to be grateful for!

I don't know about you, but I can't figure out how it got to be mid March already? Granted, I am totally ready for spring, but yikes, I'm still trying to remember to write '09 on my checks.

We had such a nice, relaxing weekend, party included! Sweetpea had so much fun - this year she was aware of her presents ahead of time and tickled pink when everyone sang happy birthday to her. Good company + good food + happy little girl = complete success!

The weather this weekend was warmer, in the 50s and 60s, perfect for being outside with a sweatshirt or light jacket. We spent a lot of time playing in the front yard and took a long walk on Sunday afternoon. Big T was visiting, and he and Sweetpea are so good to each other - she think he is just the best thing ever, and he is so tolerant and loving toward her. I spent a lot of time just sitting back and enjoying watching the two of them interact.

Here are a few lines from my gratitude journal, while I'm on the subject of what has been making me happy this weekend:

*sweet, slobbery kisses on mommy's boo boos*

*a lazy day with nothing specific on the agenda, just enjoying each other's company*

*my sweet, generous family*

*running into a special friend that I don't get to see too often*

*more warm weather, birds chirping, the sun warming our heads*

*the grocer who always has stickers at the ready when we check out, waiting for Sweetpea's little, "sticker, please!"*

*daddy requesting his girl's goodbye kisses each morning, even when he's working the night shift*

What are you grateful for this week?

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Anonymous said...

I am VERY grateful I haven't caught the cold that is going around my family!! Knock on wood very loud!

Shelly said...

What a great list! :o)

CC said...

These are awesome things!! Hurray for blessings!