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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sweet signs of spring

My daycare provider took Tuesday off to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, so I took the day off to watch Sweetpea. EmDee had a regularly scheduled day off, but was getting ready to start third shift the next day, so he slept in until about 10. A family day off in the middle of the week, how fun! What made it even better was the sunshine and 75 degree temperatures, something we haven't seen for a long time in this area.

We all spent an hour at the park and then went home and played in the front yard. We got our seeds planted for the garden while we were outside as well. Sweetpea loved using her shovel and rake in my front flower bed while we were planting seeds...I'm not sure if any flowers will survive this season or not! ;) While Sweetpea and I were playing, EmDee grilled out, it was the perfect taste of the sweet summer days we have to come!

Here are a few more things on my gratitude list:

*one cup of peppermint mocha tea each morning - just a little bit of caffeine for this tired mama and oh so delicious*

*the anticipation of those first little sproutlets that will eventually turn into our summer bounty*

*getting back into some of what I really enjoy at work*

*the first day of spring*

*planning a visit to a sweet friend's house in two weeks*

What are you grateful for this week?

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Martha said...

Hi Steph! Just stopping in to say hello and happy spring! I sure miss keeping up - hurry up summer break!
Hugs, Martha :-)

Mel said...

Ahh sounds like a wonderfully fun family day!!!!!

we are having those spring days here too and they are wonderful.

HeatherPride said...

I am DEFINITELY excited about spring!! Yay!