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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Organizing Tip Thursday - keeping it together

I had the chance to try out several products as a part of my organizing series. Many of them were unique and helpful. A few had me saying, "where was this when Sweetpea was born?! The cellkeeper is one of those products. Not to say this product isn't for everyone, but oh I could have used this during those "if I only had 2 more hands" new mom moments!

The cellkeeper is a combination personal electronics holder and wallet that can be clipped onto a strap to wear cross shoulder or around your waist. It can also be clipped onto a diaper bag or purse, gym bag or briefcase, keeping your favorite electronic device and necessary personal information and documents in a compact and specific location. Worn cross shoulder or at your waist it will keep your valuables safe while you work out, sightsee or enjoy time with your family at the park.

I hated carrying a purse and a diaper bag, but I struggled to move necessary items around from bag to bag - the only thing worse than feeling like a pack mule was showing up at the store and not having a credit card! I'm so glad that I have this handy little carrier to move from bag to bag with me now, and when our new little one comes along it is going to become even more valuable!

Because it helps me stay organized and a little more sane, I thought it would be good product to highlight for organizing tip Thursday. Cellkeepers retail for $29.99 and right now you can get free shipping. For more information on the specific designs available or to purchase a cellkeeper, visit their website! Please join us and share your organizing tips!

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ChefDruck said...

I have no tips to share but I really enjoyed yours! What i really need is one of those find your keys and cell and wallet alarms. htanks for commenting on my blog!

Jen said...

That is pretty cool! I'll have to check it out to see what it looks like up close...it would definitely be handy!