Congratulations to Lori for winning the $25 grocery gift card! And thanks to General Mills and Eat Better America for the giveaway.
Things have been crazy and unfocused around here for awhile now, thanks to the sickies, my classes, EmDee's unpredictable work schedule and loads of overtime, and a profound lack of sleep. Ironically now that summer is about to start, I'm going to try and take back some control - at least of my schedule and I desperately want to regain some of my organizing strategies.
One of my favorite organizing strategies is the summer fun list - I hope to have that completed and published this week. I've fallen off the menu planning wagon and I plan to climb back on next week. And I'm planning a full scale attack on the clutter in our house! I've been randomly filling sacks with unused items to resell or give away for some time now,but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Patty Kreamer, author of the Clutter Rescue Course was kind enough to send me a copy of her workbook to review. So far I've just glanced through it, and I'm encouraged. I'll let you know how it works out!
There are also strawberries, cherries, and asparagus to pick, and of course sweet girls to cuddle. I absolutely love this time of year, and between all the business and the have to's, I'm trying to soak it all in!
June featured sponsors and affiliates:
the Vintage Pearl - beautiful hand stamped jewelry
Neptune Sprouts - unique clothing for your little sprout
Earth Mama Angel Baby - gifts from the earth for your gift from heaven

I'm really looking forward to seeing your summer fun list. I just started working on mine and I would love to see some other people's ideas. I hope you have a special section on their just for your indulgences - it's summer time! Have you heard of CoupTessa?It will definitely help you make a list of summer fun activities especially for you or that special someone. CoupTessa is this new online community for women that I just happened to stumble across the other day and I can't resist not telling everyone about it. It is sort of a Groupon for women but what really makes CoupTessa great is that we - the might of many women - get to choose what savings we want to receive. Women who join get to vote on the daily indulgence which can be anything for a romantic dinner to a mani & pedi!
Thanks, again, for the win! I need to get on the cleaning/decluttering wagon too. I can't wait to see/hear about your adventures.
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