I love making these lists - it is so much fun to brainstorm the fun things we want to do over the course of a season, to prioritize fun into our lives. I find that with a sign like this posted visibly in our kitchen we are much better at making time for the things we want to enjoy. By making conscious decisions to include these mainly frugal summertime experiences we are not making our schedules busier, simply more focused. Not everything gets done, and there are always a few projects that are more fun after they are completed than in the midst of things. I'll even admit that Sweetpea's big girl room looks a bit familiar...it might have been on last year's list? Yep, that didn't get done last summer.
June featured sponsors and affiliates:
June featured sponsors and affiliates:
the Vintage Pearl - beautiful hand stamped jewelry
Neptune Sprouts - unique clothing for your little sprout
Earth Mama Angel Baby - gifts from the earth for your gift from heaven

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