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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

chasing the remains of summer

As much as I know I'm going to miss the warmth of summer when the snow hits, I'm loving the cool nights and the chance to pull out long folded jeans. That said, we weren't above taking advantage of a near 90 degree day this week to catch one more tiptoe through the sprinklers at our favorite park.

At the beginning of the summer, Sugar Plum would cling to my side at the sight of sprinklers!

It didn't take long for both of them to get completely soaked - and the while it was HOT out, the water was FREEZING!

Didn't she just start walking a few weeks ago? And now she's running? Someone must have forgotten to tell her she's supposed to be my baby {hold me}

This post is part of Wordful and Wordless Wednesdays

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Kelly Tirman said...

I totally know how you feel. My baby is running like mad. She turned from a baby to a monkey over night!

Marva said...

Time passes so quickly, too quickly. The girls are just precious. Enjoy these fleeting moments and the warm sunshine too! Hugs!

Brenda said...

Its amazing how fast kids mature, great way to document it!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awwww! They look like they're having so much fun! I'm still searching for the 'pause' button - why must time fly by so fast??

WW: Goofy Contortionist