I absolutely, positively can NOT believe this little girl of mine is ONE YEAR OLD!
Wasn't it just yesterday you looked like this?
Baby girl, you have this sweet, infectious personality that draws people in. You love to smile, laugh and snuggle, and you've just started giving big kisses. Daddy calls you my little monkey because most of the time you're riding along on my hip, happy as can be. If I'm especially busy or distracted while carrying you this way, you lean out as far as you can and look at me with this big grin, as if to say, "don't forget about me!"
You are very determined, trying your best to keep up with big sister whenever you can. You will try and climb just about anything and have just started taking a few steps. You love to dance - either sitting down or while you're crawling, so cute! You love to play patty cake and peek a boo, and clap your hands. And for the last few weeks you've been teething like mad, poor thing.
My heart is filled to near bursting, and I get all mama-mushy and teary eyed when I try to put it into words. I worried a little bit about how I would be as a mama to two, about balance and individual attention and sleep and such. There could not have been a more perfect addition to our family than you, sweet girl, and I can't imagine life without you in it.
How sweet! Sleeping babies are adorable. I love the photo in your header it is a great photo.
1!? Time flies! She is SUCH a cutie. Hope you guys had a great day!!
Happy Birthday Sugar Plum!!!
THANK YOU for posting... I loved your blog!!
Common Cents
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