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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Bounty

It's too bad EmDee's camera phone cut off the top of this tomato - it was almost as big as Sweetpea's head! :) On either side of her are the wonderful berries we've been picking each night - strawberries, raspberries and blackberries! The raspberries and strawberries are coming in quantities small enough that they get gobbled up each night. The blackberries are a bit more prolific, so what we can't eat within a day or two get frozen in a single layer in freezer bags for future use - our favorites are blackberry pie or cobbler, blackberry sauce (great on ice cream or yogurt), blackberry ice cream, freezer jam and blackberry lemon bars.

What do you like to do best with your berries? Do you process them immediately or save them in the freezer for later?

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