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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gingerbread House

I picked up a gingerbread kit after Christmas last year, not really sure how interested Sweetpea would be, but figuring it was worth the $2 investment to find out. This craft was much more fun and not nearly as stressful as I'd imagined ahead of time...I highly recommend it as a fun holiday craft for your toddler or preschooler!

We decorated the roof prior to assembly - I think this was key to structural integrity, at least with a little one spreading the icing.

She absolutely adored adding all the candies.

I "glued" the walls together with frosting while Sweetpea decorated the roof pieces. I did some of the frosting piping, creating doors and windows as directed. Then I let her try it. The frosting was pretty thick so she had some trouble with it.

Ta da! Now give me back that knife little one ;)

Hey, is that a goatee, or have you been sneaking some frosting? Aw heck, who can resist those eyes? Have some more if you want...

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Jen said...

Oh, she looks adorable! We love doign gingerbread houses here...I'm always amazed that some candy actually makes its way onto the house...

Michelle said...

Oh how fun! We have a gingerbread house we bought ummm four years ago that we still haven't found the time to put together. I used to love making them - my aunt would make them from scratch based on designs we chose.

What a cutie! And Merry Christmas to you!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the gingerbread house. Her eyes are amazing!